Most of my work revolves around documentaries and doc series, crisis journalism, reportage and occasional art and narrative projects. I’m also open to other themes and formats.
Born and raised in Belgrade/ Serbia, educated and residing in New York City. I’m a dual citizen and down for travel engagements.
(this site is intended to showcase skill over style \ feel free to reach out to discuss filming ideas)
‘25 DuPont Award- Columbia University Award {Battleground Texas/ Vice. Shared with director Nicole Bozorgmir, cinematographer Jika Gonzales and the rest of the team!)
‘24 Emmy Award : Best Hard News Long Form Feature Story (Inside Wagner/ Vice. Shared with directors Amel Guettatfi & Julia Steers, team of cinematographers!)
‘24 George Polk Award : Best Television Reporting (Inside Wagner)
‘15 Festival of Nations, Austria - Best Cinematography Award (Four Corners of a Circle. Shared with Giorgos Karvelas)